About SleepWise

Find out more about the SleepWise’s algorithm, the compatible devices, the Sleep Doctor’s support and the final report about your sleep.

Recorder catches metadata

While the patient sleeps, the recorder (like a smartphone or a camera) catches the metadata needed for the exam.

Sleepwise server analyses them

When the exam is over, the metadata are sent to the Sleepwise server in order to be processed.

The result is sent back to the client

After the metadata processing is finished successfully, the result is returned to the client (the doctor and then the patient or only the patient).

How does the algorithm works?

Sleepwise receives as input a plurality of images I1, I2, …, In, and produces as output a binary array, B(i,j), of one’s and zero’s where one’s indicate pixel locations (i,j) at which respiratory motion has been detected.

Image integrator receives as input a time series of images and produces as output an integrated image I(i,j) with an eventually noise level reduction.


Sleepwise analyses all the images received as input and searches for the different pixel locations. When some pixel changes, that is a detection of a movement. Processing these movements Sleepwise can deduct if and what sleep disorder the patient suffers of.


Greater adherence to reality

The Sleepwise exam, lacking direct contact with the patient, is able to provide a much more realistic picture of sleep compared to Traditional Polysomnography.

Detection of multiple sleep disorders in a single session

While Traditional Polysomnography is only able to detect sleep apnea, Sleepwise can detect multiple sleep disorders simultaneously in a single session.

Automatic sending of the traces to the server, without the need to manually download them from the device

With Sleepwise, you don’t need to manually download the trace from the device to hand it over to your doctor. Once the examination is finished, the device automatically sends the data to our server, which processes it and sends the final trace to the doctor.

Reduced costs compared to PSG

Traditional Polysomnography is certainly more expensive than Sleepwise, as it requires consumable materials (cannulas, bands, sensors, etc.).


Absence of oximetry

To achieve the “Total no contact” effect, Sleepwise does not use any pulse oximetry sensors. Due to this absence, it is possible to overestimate apnea indices due to the lack of differentiation between apneas and hypopneas.